Every year around this time, I go off with my camera to try and find glorious Fall colours. This year was no exception. For me, what makes the colours glorious is an abundance of red.
So this year, off I went into Montreal and headed up to Parc Mont Royal. To be honest, it was less than impressive. Even Beaver Lake was being drained.
But all was not lost. Here and there, there were reds to be found.
Sometimes a solitary Maple . . .
Sometimes it was a building detail . . .
Sometimes it was Ivy on a fence . . .
Or growing up a wall . . .
And then there are the bushes . . .
While there may not have been an abundance of Glorious colours out there this year, if you looked carefully, you could still find some.
Hope you enjoyed the images.
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Other images from my trip into town can be seen in my Photography --> Montreal images --> On the Mountain 19 October 2010 gallery.Please feel free to leave comments here on the blog, in my Guestbook or in the photo gallery.
Thanks for looking. And please stop by again.