I've modified my work flow somewhat in the past few months in creating these images with what I hope results in improved final images.
These images were created using Dynamic Auto-Painter (DAP) and PaintShop Pro v9 (PSPv9).
The following was not processed in DAP, only in PSPv9. I didn't like the background in the original photograph, so I removed it and replaced it with the mauve background you see here.
Hope you enjoyed the Note Card images.
Remember that clicking on any image on this page will open the image in my Smugmug site, where you can view a larger version. Please use your browser's "Back" button to return to the Blog.
Other Photo Art images can be seen in my Photo Art gallery.Please feel free to leave comments here on the blog, in my Guestbook or in the photo gallery.
Thanks for looking. And please stop by again.