Montreal is a colourful town. With its love of outdoor terraces, its mix of architectural styles, its French/European flavours, there is something to catch your interest.
Workmen on break
I lived here for over 35 years now, and I never grow tired of it. Language issue not withstanding, Montreal is one of the best cities to live in. Or in my case, live near.
Cote-des-Neige Blvd
A good deal of my time in the city is centered around Guy and Ste-Catherine. This is largely due to the fact that most of my medical Specialists are at the Montreal General Hospital. And because after taking the Metro from the south shore and getting off at Guy, you can grab a bus that takes you up to Mont Royal park.
Here are few more shots taken along Cote des Neiges, heading up to the park.
There are still the images taken on Mont Royal. But they'll be the subject for another blog.
Remember that clicking on any image on this page will open a larger version. Use your browser's "back" button to return to the Blog.
Other photos taken on this walkabout can be seen in my Walkabout Montreal - 17 October 2008 gallery.
Please feel free to leave comments here on the blog or in any of the photo galleries.
Thanks for looking. And stop by again.